
Kadence Child Theme


Rewind is a vibrant Kadence child theme that takes you on a nostalgic journey back in time. This theme is designed to give your website a unique, retro vibe that will surely captivate your visitors and set you apart from the competition.

The Rewind child theme is a comprehensive package that provides all the essentials you need to get your website up and running in no time. It includes core pages like Home, About, Contact, and Blog, all styled with a blast-from-the-past aesthetic.

But we didn’t stop there. Rewind also features a funky “Coming Soon” page, perfect for building anticipation as you gear up for launch. Plus, there’s a groovy “Links” page for showcasing your most important social media links, and predesigned blog post outlines to help jumpstart your blogging journey.

Get ready to rewind and embrace the rad retro vibes with this classic WordPress theme!

Requires the free Kadence Theme and Kadence Blocks plugin.

Rewind Theme Kadence Desktop Mobile

What’s included?

The Rewind theme is bundled with everything you need to start your professional website.

4 Core Pages

Four beautifully designed core pages, including Home, About, Contact, and Blog. Get started with confidence.

4 Blog Post Outlines

Four SEO-friendly blog post outlines, including a product review and listicle templates, so you can start blogging ASAP.

Customizer Settings

We fine-tune the settings to work perfectly with the theme. The header, sidebar, blog post layout, and even the comments.

Links Page

You’ll get a “Linktree” type of page to highlight the most important links in your social media bios.

Coming Soon Page

Want to show users a “Coming Soon” page while you build out your site? Simply enable it until you’re ready to go live.

Custom Elements

We include custom design elements you can access and integrate directly from the start, such as an affiliate disclaimer.

AI Prompts

Gain a huge advantage by using integrated AI prompts to help you generate blog post content (AI copywriting tool required).

Technical Support

Having issues downloading or importing your new shiny theme? Don’t worry. We have you covered.

Video Walkthrough

Watch a complete video walkthrough of the Rewind Theme and everything it offers.

How does it work?

With three easy steps, you can get started with the Rewind theme in less than five minutes.

Step 1

Purchase Theme

Purchase the Rewind theme with our quick and easy checkout process. Simply provide your name, email, and payment info.

Step 2

Import Instantly

After purchase, you can download the theme instantly. Import the file on your blank website in less than one minute.

Step 3

Make It Your Own

Congratulations! You have an entire website configured in no time. Swap the images and content to make it your own.

Start Blogging Themes Rewind Cloud Library

Dedicated Block Library

The Rewind theme automatically imports with a dedicated block library containing all the individual pages and sections used to build the theme.

If you ever want to redo a section or start over, you can easily import the original sections as often as you’d like!

Blazing Fast Performance

We have developed the Rewind theme to be blazing fast right out of the box, helping you pass Core Web Vitals and get a Google ranking boost.

The theme scores 100 in Google PageSpeed Insights on the mobile tab without even using an optimization plugin.

Rewind Kadence Theme 100 Performance Google PageSpeed Insights
Blazing Fast Performance
Inherits Your Global Colors
Designed by Professionals

Ready to Rewind?

Get instant access to the Rewind Theme on your website today!